Get Creative with Canva
Wondering what my secret is for all things graphic design? Don’t worry, you’ll be meeting my best friend when it comes to it. It’s…Canva.
Canva? Yeah! - even professionals need a bit of assistance when it comes to creating graphics efficiently and effectively. Now, when I first started using Canva, I had no previous knowledge in Graphic Design. It just hadn’t been part of my education by that point. However, I’ve been using it now for 7+ years and it has served me well since the beginning.
Being able to make graphics without the struggle of creating from scratch has made my workload significantly more manageable. On a monthly basis, Reach DMS is working with about 10 clients. Without this amazing graphic design tool, the work would be incredibly stressful & might take me significantly more time.
Time is one of our most valuable assets as business owners. That is a fact.
Canva can take care of your graphic design, logo design, the design of your marketing materials, and more. Why haven’t you used it yet??
In case you were wondering, no this isn’t an advertisement. I just love Canva so much and promoting it is just one way to spread the word on what a great and affordable tool it is for businesses.
My favorite ways to use Canva are these:
Social Media Graphic Design
Logo Design
Keeping my branding for clients all in one place
Creating Email Marketing Graphics
Creating Graphics for Website Design
If any of these items are on your “to-do” list, I highly recommend heading over to RIGHT NOW to get started. No more excuses - get it done.