Intentional Social Media Marketing in Wellness, Fashion, and Beauty.
Kids these days.
You see it in the media, constantly, the rhetoric surrounding the “millennials” - the no good, rotten, spoiled kids buried in their phones.
The funny part is that these, first of all, are not the Millennials. They’re Generation Z and they’re ready to take over the world. The members of the Generation Z were the first to have the answers to anything they wanted at the touch of a button or the type of a search engine. They were even the first to not have, strictly, printed photographs of themselves as children. Even more importantly, they don’t know a world without social media.
As any form of media, social media, has positive and negative effects. There are so many good things that social media has to offer between being able to share knowledge and information throughout the world to doing research on different places we want to patronize or visit. There are, also, negatives like cyberbullying, being “addicted” to being on social media, or false information being tossed around. While there are many negatives, the positives shine through. With the Generation Z being a crucial part in learning how to combat and embrace social media, we have a lot to learn.
The best part of embracing social media is that we have leaders who understand how to utilize the platforms in so many different ways.
Here’s my encouragement for the week - ask someone you know from Generation Z about one of the following social media platforms:
These can be used just for fun or for spreading more knowledge about your business. If you have kids in this generation, this is a great way to learn from them. Encourage yourself to never stop learning either from those older than you or younger than you. You’ll never know everything so it’s great at any age to ask questions.