Intentional Social Media Marketing in Wellness, Fashion, and Beauty.
Closing the Gap.
What’s your biggest concern when it comes to social media?
Is it the analytics? Knowing exactly what to say? Maybe it’s the time that it takes to put those posts up. Whatever it may be, there is always something that we may not be the best at. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t delegate or get training on how to do so for you and your business.
As a member of Generation Z, I was given the opportunity to be on social media at 13 years old. Yes, 13! It’s crazy what kids have available to them these days. In middle school, I BEGGED my parents to let me have a Facebook account. They didn’t allow me to be on MySpace, another HUGE platform at the time, because they were afraid that it wouldn’t be good for my newly teenage self esteem. Although I’ve had my share of cyberbullying and negativity thrown my way on social media over the last 11 years, social media brought me a way to connect, share, and learn about so many different things.
Since I have been in the digital space for over a decade, I have a deep understanding of what you can do to utilize the platforms - that’s where I’d like to close the gap.
To all my baby boomers and Generation X’s out there - just because you didn’t grow up with social media, that doesn’t mean you’re not able to understand or learn about what you can do to utilize these platforms to their full potential. Especially for your business, it’s a necessity in your marketing puzzle to be present on social media and in the digital world.
Without that presence, there may be less brand recognition, brand awareness, and the ability to look into your company when it comes to services or products that you have to offer.
Help me close the gap. Together we can take your business to new heights.