Partner up!
You’ve heard of social media influencers, right? Did you ever wonder how they became “influencers” and why their followage is so high? They partner with companies!
So, who says that companies can’t do the same with each other? I am going to give you a few ideas on how you can partner up and grow your following through partnering with others.
Combining goods and/or services
You may have already done this in the past without realizing how much more you could do with it when it comes to your digital presence. Partnering with other companies can be advantageous for both parties so long as it is done right. Say you’re a boutique that offers clothing and you know a company that offers jewelry. You can combine a piece of clothing and they can provide the jewelry as a bundle that you can offer in your store. This can go on your social media but it can ALSO go on theirs because it is a combined offer. Just make sure you’re tagging each other when you do a partnership like this. That way, both parties will get exposure to their counterpart’s audience.
Co-hosting a webinar
If what you have to offer is more of a service rather than a physical good, you could hold a webinar with another service based professional. This something that can expose your company and their company to new networks or different networks. You can co-host the webinar on social media and create a presentation that involves both companies and the expertise they have. At the end of it all, you can even offer an exclusive combined deal.
Sponsoring a giveaway
If you’re trying to get to a specific audience, offer to sponsor a giveaway with a company that resonates with your target market. It could be a gift card or certificate for a service. Whatever you both decide can turn into a great giveaway with ability to reach both audiences effectively.
Hosting a contest
You can host a contest with a prize that involves another company, as well. This is a little different from the giveaway because there will be contestants in search of a prize instead of a random draw. Depending on what you have to offer, this can go many different ways. That will be up to you and the company. Just remember that over social media, you CANNOT, I repeat, CANNOT have an entry fee.
Being a sponsor for an online event
Whether it is an online networking event or an event hosted by a company, offer to sponsor or see if they have a sponsor option. Usually in these instances, there is mention of sponsors on the social media prior to the event. Look into what you can find!